Mixxx Mic Echo


My proposal for GSOC 2017 is Microphone effects chain for Mixxx.Mixxx is the defacto standard in open source world for real time mixing music tracks. What it currentlylacks is a way to seamlessly integrate microphone input processing, allowing for the dj/presenter to tune thevoice track over mixed music. This would be an ideal solution for internet radio live broadcasting.In professional setups, a chain of effects is used in order to tune the speech signal with the rest of the mix,with a typical chain of a noise gate, noise suppressor, echo cancellation, ducker. What this project aims tofulfill is the development and integration of this effects chain into Mixxx.Mixxx has already an effects chain for the music mix, with selectable input source. In the same manner, themic input effect signal path would be developed and placed underneath the music effects, as a UI elementthat will be toggled from a toggle button on bottom left of the screen, in the same way that the music effectsviews are toggled. This means that as an add on this feature will be unobtrusive and can easily integratewith the rest of the existing UI elements.A mockup of the proposed speech processing chain is illustrated in the following figure.

Pc mic echo

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Here’s a video tutorial from Curtis Judd of Learn Light and Sound that covers the removal of echo and reverb from dialogue audio using two of the above plugins: Acon Digital DeVerberate and SPL De-Verb. After the video, we’ll look at the steps Judd took in his.

Pc Mic Echo

The whole development will be done in C++ as Qt framework is used for Mixxx development and thereare also many existing audio processing libraries in C++. Existing open source projects that can be used for reference are the speexdsp library which implements speech processing components for speex codec, and WebRTC AEC library.