Scratch Live Draging Sound Staticie

Nov 13, 2017 I did a previous video and it wasn't all correct. This video explains the Buffer vs Limit Light on the Serato DJ Sorry for the funny audio.

  • This topic has 14 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by .
Scratch live dragging sound static song
  • Afternoon guys,

    Have a bit of a problem with serato popping and crackling with heavy bass tracks, more bass more cracking and popping. Popping happens through speakers and headphones. I have sound tested both to find no damage to sound equipment. Leaving the fault to my desk sx2 or serato, so I’m hoping serato.
    So far I have decreased the latency from 5ms to 20ms. Still getting popping and cracking
    Tried uninstalling antivirus software(read about this on serato forums) but still cracking and popping. Any suggestions and any suggestions on how to test my hardware?



    Have you got anything intensive running in the background? Or anything that could be eating up your system resources?

    If the CPU maxes out, it could cause the sort of glitches you are talking about.

    What kind of specs (and which OS) does your computer have??


    Hi Dom,

    A few more thoughts:

    Do you have the latest drivers installed for your controller/soundcard? Did you install the drivers with the controller/soundcard plugged in? Do you always plug in into the same USB socket?

    Your specs sound fine though. And I hope that you have disabled your internet connection if you have uninstalled your antivirus.. Try installing CCleaner and cleaning out the user? I run it on all the users on all my PCs at least once a month and it keeps them nice and fast.

    Is it your entire PC that is feeling a bit slow or is it just that Serato is playing up? I’m not a serato expert (I don’t use it myself and never have) but is the sample rate set correctly for your sound card? It may also be worth checking that Windows is not trying to use the soundcard as it’s default audio device – this should not be the case as your soundcard/controller should use ASIO drivers work with serato properly, and windows overrides ASIO drivers if it decides that the controller should be default, as it then likes to use its own drivers for this purpose. To put it simpler, it can cause all sorts of issues if your controller is set to be the default sound output. Not least that windows can then play sounds through your speakers.. Ever got an email half way through a gig? Not cool if your laptop announces thta fact to all your dancers for you, at incredible volume. 🙂


    Read the original post 🙂

    He’s already done that… 😉

    Are you running lots of stuff stacked (i.e. many tracks together with all the basses up) and/or many things like big bpm/key differences or FX?

    I don’t understand your point about the SX2 being a stand-alone mixer so it shouldn’t happen though?

    Check your output levels in the software, it might be possible to you are running too high a signal into the soundcard that is clipped already in which case it will be audible.

    I had the same problem with Mixvibes Cross and my DDJ-SX. The output settings for monitor and master in the software were all set totally wrong. I noticed when trying to mix in an analogue CD with a track from Cross on two different channels. The odd thing is that I had BOTH tracks at the same gain on the controller, both firing away at 0dB average. So while it LOOKED like they should be the same loudness, they weren’t. I ended up 0dB-ing my setup with a CD playing (all the way up to and including the master output level) and then repeating the process for the Cross track, adjusting the master output setting until channel gain 0dB matched the main level 0dB. Now all is in perfect harmony and no distortion.

    This sounds like its either

    1) Redlining. Serato starts clipping immediately when you go to red on software. The controller (and the audio interface within) has another layer for gain controls, so while the leds on your controller might be ok, the initial signal is too high.

    2) The settings on your laptop are not set correctly. Go to Control Panel -> System -> Additional settings (I’m guessing this one by translating from Finnish system). From there the Performance page and Optimize the performance to background services (audio is considered a background service).

    If this isn’t a gain/volume problem then turn your WiFi/Bluetooth off, make sure you don’t have anything but your related dj equipment plugged in, make sure you don’t have any disabled drivers.

    Another thing you may have a grounding problem. Something may need to be grounded or not grounded.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by . Reason: missed a word
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by .

    It is not clear from the OP… you say you decreased your latency, but did you try increasing it?

    Deathy – he says “decreased” but also says he changed it from 5 to 20.. so I took that to mean that he increased it 😉

    I read it to mean he tried decreasing it by that range of value, which is why I asked my question just to clarify.

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Scratch Live Dragging Sound Static Music

When creating collages in Scratch, you can make some of the foreground sprites a bit transparent, so you can see part of the image behind them. This method of blending photographs and other graphics together takes a tiny bit of programming in Scratch, but the results are totally worth it!

Scratch Live Dragging Sound Static Youtube

Make sprites transparent

For now, you will just make two elements of your collage transparent.

  1. Click the first sprite you want to make transparent (Anne’s portrait in this example) and then click the Scripts tab.

  2. Drag the WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED and SET EFFECT TO blocks into the Scripts Area.

  3. Inside the SET EFFECT TO block, click where it says Color and select Ghost.

  4. In the same block, click the 0 (zero) and type 30.

Now, if you click the Green Flag button above the Stage, your sprite should suddenly appear transparent. (See why they call it the “ghost” effect?)

When you click the Stop button above the Stage, the sprite effects turn off until you click the Green Flag button again.

You could follow the same steps to make your next sprite transparent, too, but here is a shortcut.

  1. Go to the Scripts area on the sprite you just modified, click the WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED block, and drag the code blocks over to the icon of the other sprite (beneath the Stage) that you wish to make transparent.

  2. Click the second sprite, and you should see that the WHEN GREEN FLAG CLICKED and SET EFFECT TO blocks have been copied.

  3. Change the value from 30 to 50 so the second sprite (the star here) will blend a bit more.

  4. Click the Green Flag button to see your changes.

You can drag as many code blocks from one sprite to another, but they must be snapped together to copy over. You also can drag costumes and sounds from one sprite to another.


Adjust sprite brightness

See how the color of the text almost pops out at you when placed in front of the transparent images?

Another way to draw attention to specific images or to make others less noticeable is by adjusting brightness. Draw a bit more attention to Anne Frank’s portrait by making the building behind her (where she hid with her family) appear darker.

  1. Click the sprite you want to adjust.

  2. Drag the following blocks into the Scripts Area and change the values to match.

  3. Click the Green Flag button (or click right on the code block) to see the change.

  4. Keep adjusting the brightness value for your sprite until you find the look that works best for your image.

Making the photograph of the building a bit darker made it blend better with the bookcase, so there is not such a distinct line between them. You also can use the brightness effect to draw attention to your most important element. What happens if you add a SET BRIGHTNESS EFFECT TO block with a value of 20 to the Anne portrait?

Adjust sprite color

A SET EFFECT TO block also enables you to adjust the color of sprites. It works best on brightly colored sprites.

For black-and-white sprites (or grayscale), the color effect adds a subtle tint.

Remember how you hid some of your sprites? Now, you can gradually unhide each one (shift-click the icons beneath the Stage and select Unhide) and try out different color, brightness, and ghost effects. Isn’t this a blast?

Scratch Live Dragging Sound Static On Iphone

If you wish to reset sprites to their original appearance while your project is still running, use the CLEAR GRAPHIC EFFECTS block.